Since October 2016, as part of its transparency strategy and the fight against corruption, TGI has been part of the initiative “Towards Integrity: A Construction between the Public and Private Sectors against corruption in Colombia”.
This initiative is led by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and financed by the Siemens Integrity Fund (Siemens AG) with the support of the Transparency Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic and the local Network of the Global Compact in Colombia.
“Towards Integrity” is a collective action that seeks to reduce opportunities for corruption through public-private dialogue and the exchange of knowledge, with a view to strengthening the development and application of measures to prevent, repress and penalize corruption, in accordance with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). The foregoing, through activities that bring together the public and private sectors to exchange knowledge and experiences, identify challenges and propose effective solutions against corruption.
As part of this initiative, TGI lends its support to it and develops concrete actions that seek to promote the principles of the initiative in its management, strategy and culture, adapting its behavior models under ethical, transparency and integrity standards.
Good practices in anti-corruption
TGI celebrates the recognition granted to it by the Global Compact, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC and the Alliance for integrity, by being selected to be part of the second edition of the publication of good anti-corruption practices “Innovating in Business Integrity in Colombia” thanks to its good practice “Strengthening the Ethics and Compliance Program through participation in internal and external measurements and evaluations”
Since October 2008, TGI has been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact
Check out our success story here. Global_Compact_Join_Letter_8692.pdf