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Our Team

Our team is talented, motivated and results-oriented. It is made up of more than 450 collaborators, distributed in the administrative headquarters and in the districts and gas compression stations.

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Senior Management Team


Mónica Contreras Sper

Economist from Externado de Colombia University; MBA from Los Andes University and graduate from the Executive Program CEO Management at Kellogs School of Management of the Northwestern University. Monica’s last position was General Manager for the Andean Region at Pepsico, where she worked from the year 2000. Her participation defining and executing the routing sheet for the regional expansion of the business, as well as her leadership in the agenda for the transformation of the business, allowed her to double the size of the operation in 5 years.

Monica has been awarded for her social commitment as one of the 25 most outstanding leaders of our country, a distinction granted by the Semana Magazine in 2019. She has also been one of the top 10 female leaders with the best corporate reputation in Colombia according to the Merco ranking for the last years.[SE1]       

 A broad professional experience along with her academic background, allows her to contribute with highly valuable knowledge regarding the Colombian and Latin American markets.

She currently acts as TGI’s President.

Juan Carlos Hurtado Parra

Electrical engineer, specialist in project assessment and development from Universidad del Rosario. MBA International Oil & Gas Management, University of Dundee, Scotland.​

He has 22+ years of experience in the Oil & Gas Industry, half of such experience dedicated to project planning, development, execution and closure, and over 11 years in development and operation of hydrocarbon producing fields, at Ecopetrol. ​

He currently acts as TGI’s Operations VP.

Laura Villa

Economist from the Universidad de Los Andes with a specialization in Government, Management and Public Affairs from the Universidad Externado de Colombia and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the Harvard University School of Government.

Laura has extensive experience in the public sector, where, among others, she managed relations between the Ministry of Finance and the Congress of the Republic, and was chief of staff of the Ministries of the Interior and Mines. His last position was at PepsiCo, a food and beverage multinational, where he served for almost 5 years as Senior Manager of Government Affairs for the Andean cluster.

Juan Pablo Henao Botero

Industrial engineer from Los Andes University, MBA in Global Management from Thunderbird-School of Global Management in Phoenix, USA; different updates in Corporate Governance at Northwestern University, Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining and Physical Oil Trading and Operations at The Oxford Princeton Programme in Calgary, Canada.​

15+ years of experience in trade for the midstream, exploration and production of gas and crude oil segments, at companies such as Mansarovar Energy, Aceros H3, CEPSA Colombia S.A., and British Petroleum (BP)

He currently acts as TGI’s Commercial Development VP.

Adriana Munevar

Finance and International Relations professional form Externado de Colombia University. Studies in Global Management and Leadership at Thunderbird School, USA and INSEAD, France.  Studies in Corporate Governance at INALDE, Colombia. ​

25+ years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry.  She has taken over different roles in the financial area as CFO, Comptroller Manager for the Andean Region, Comptroller Manager for lubricants in Europe, Financial Planning Analyst for fuels Globally, among others. Most of her professional experience comes from working at ExxonMobil both domestically and internationally.

She currently acts as TGI’s Financial VP.

Santiago Acosta

He is a Mechanical Engineer from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, he has earned two Master's degrees, one in Arts from the University of Teesside in England with an emphasis on industrial design and another one in Science from the University of Sussex with a focus on Technology Management and innovation.

He has more than 20 years of experience in the world of strategy, innovation, and development of companies such as: Grupo Orbis, Andercol, San Vicente Fundación, and Grupo EPM, managing development and innovation in energy, gas, water, and waste and has helped achieve a shared vision on strategic challenges and risks and vital capacities.

Dalila Hernández

Lawyer from Externado de Colombia University specialized in Business Law and Master’s degree in Public Law from the same university.

Specialist in Public Management and Administrative Institutions from Los Andes University, with studies in Compared Constitutional Law from the University of Salamanca, Spain; Innovation & Leadership in Government update program at Georgetown University, member of the ILG Network.

28+ years of experience as Consultant for private, public and mixed capital companies in constitutional issues, administrative, urban, commercial, tax, contractual, procedural law, among other subjects.

Lynda Murillo

Business Administrator from the Santo Tomás University in Colombia, Master in Administration and Human Resources Management from the Camilo José Cela University in Spain.

He has more than 20 years of experience leading areas of human talent and organizational culture in national, multi-Latin and multinational companies in the financial (Banco AVVillas), pharmaceutical (Fresenius Medical Care) and mining-energy (Terpel and Cerrejón) sectors.

He currently serves as Vice President of Human Talent and Administrative Management of TGI

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