Health TGI

Our Well-being plan: TGI Bien-Estar, was made up of the following actions:



TGI Anniversaries, Administrative Staff Day, Childhood Month, Mother's Month, Training Family Room for Infants, Family Workshop I: Parenting Guidelines: Children, Family Day, Father's Day, Children's Recreational Day, Equity Workshop: Empathy in the digital age, Equity Workshop: new family dynamics, Finance Talk, Caregivers Workshop, Activity for Singles, Bogotá and Campo Recognition Events, Christmas Novena, among others.


Emotional Well-being:

Emotional Well-being for leaders, Take care, Field visits focused on Well-being, Mindfulness sessions, Emotional Self-awareness, Sleep Well, Eat well, SPA Consumption Prevention, Emotional Self-regulation, Time Management, Healthy eating, Rumbaterapia, Get moving, Breast Cancer Screening, Work and Family, Life Balance, among others.