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TGI has understood that sustainability is the only possible way to respond to the world and achieve a vision of the future.

Every day we work hand in hand with our stakeholders to enhance our strengths and overcome our opportunities for improvement in the environmental, social and economic sphere.

Sustainability indicators

“Mejorar vidas con energía sostenible y competitiva”

  • Personas beneficiadas de esta forma buscamos contribuir al crecimiento y las nuevas oportunidades que aporten a mejorar la competitividad en los territorios.

  • Toneladas de CO2eq con certificados de carbono Ha en áreas estratégicas para conservación

  • Millones de Dólares en diferentes proyectos productivos en las regiones dentro de nuestro área de influencia en el último año

Sustainability Report 2022

We can proudly say that we have published our annual report for the eleventh Consecutive year under the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Thus, we standardize and make visible our management to stakeholders.


Our Lines of Action

Having our Sustainability Strategy as a Pillar of our strategy, we carry out the analysis of impacts, achievements, challenges and contributions of the activities carried out in economic, social and environmental matters that we do from TGI.

Human Rights

We are convinced that only an environment of rights allows the sustainability of companies and their commercial relations.

Our Social Management Plan

Redes para la Transformación de Territorios is the way in which we have traced the path to invigorate the relationship in all the regions where we operate, we have gone from a reactive relationship to the construction of a long-term relationship with each of the key actors with whom we share the environment.


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