TGI makes available to its suppliers information related to current external regulations and internal documents that govern the contracting of goods and services.
Annex 2 HSE and Social Manual for Contractors and Suppliers Rev 10.pdf
Annex 8 Manual de Riesgos Contractuales Rev 1 M-GAB-003.pdf Annex 16 Code of Ethics - TGI.pdf
Annex 11 Provider evaluation instructions.pdf
Annex 18 Sustainability Policy.pdf Annex 15 Supply Policy.pdf
Annex 7 Supplier Improvement-Evaluation Plan.pdf Annex 17 Proposal Presentation Letter and Other Manifestations.pdf Annex 10 MatrizdeRiesgosContractualesRev1 FGAB084.xlsx Annex 5 MANUAL KRALJIC PARA PROVEEDORES - DDHH.docx Annex 4 Supplier Classif (P-GAB-006) and Impact Risk Assess (F-GAB-080).pdf Annex 6 MATRIZ KRALJIC + DDHH.xlsx
Annex 7 General Business Continuity Plan.pdf
Annex 5 Supplier Qualification Manual Sust + HR.pdf Annex 9 Techniques and tools for the identification, analysis, and assessment of contractual risks.pdf Annex 12 TGI Complexity Matrix Rev3 Sept 2022.xlsx F-GAB-037 Indicative Contract Minutes Rev9_1.pdf Traducido MANUAL KRALJIC PARA PROVEEDORES - DDHH.pdf Contracting and Execution Control Manual.pdf Traducido MATRIZ KRALJIC + DDHH.xlsx M-GEG-016 Code of Ethics and Conduct for Suppliers and Contractors (1).pdf