Grupo Energía Bogotá S.A. E.S.P., as an issuer of securities not subject to inspection and supervision by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia, is obligated to comply with the applicable regulatory provisions and implement prevention and control mechanisms to prevent ML/TF in its operations, thereby preventing it from becoming an instrument for the materialization of risks associated with these behaviors.
Considering the above, the Company updated the "Manual for the Prevention of ML/TF (anti-money laundering, and counter-terrorism financing), complying with the best corporate practices on the subject, and raising its control standards through the corresponding approval of the Board of Directors.
This Manual contains the policies, controls, procedures, elements, and stages adopted by Grupo Energía Bogotá to prevent the risk of ML/TF/FPWMD.
Any unusual and/or suspicious ML/TF/FPWMD operation can be reported through the GEB ethics channel.