Statutory Auditor
TGI S.A ESP, has a Statutory Auditor, elected by the General Assembly of Shareholders for a period of 2 years. For 2020, TGI S.A ESP selected the firm KPMG S.A.S. as Statutory Auditor. identified with N.I.T. No. 860,000,846-4.
Superintendency of Public Services
The Superintendency of Home Public Services, Superservices, is a technical body, created by the 1991 Constitution, which by delegation of the President of the Republic of Colombia, exercises inspection, surveillance and control of entities and companies providing home public services.
External Auditor of Management and Results
In compliance with article 51 of Law 142 of 1994, the Company has an External Auditor of Management and Results whose report is submitted annually to the Superintendence of Residential Public Services. The report corresponding to the period immediately preceding, regarding the financial and accounting information at the end of the year and other reports required.
AEGR TGI 2017.pdf AEGR_2018_TGI_Consolidado_22052019_SUI.pdf Informe AEGR 2019.pdf Informe AEGR vigencia 2020.pdf
Informe de la auditoria externa de 2018
District Comptroller of Bogotá D.C.
The District Comptroller of Bogotá D.C. exercises fiscal control of the company. Regular audits are carried out annually, and the corresponding report is communicated to the Chairman's Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee of the Board of Directors.
The reports of the Government Audits carried out by the Comptroller of Bogotá to TGI S.A ESP, are published on the website of the Control Entity at the following link:
INFORME FINAL AUDITORIA REGULARIDAD 2019.pdf Informe de Auditoria de Regularidad 2017 y 2018.pdf